
Zyme Essence, Solprotein, Organic Nitrogen, Organic Carbon

Suprem Planto is a unique highly enriched essential soil conditioner with contains seaweed , humic, fulvic , & digestive enzymes, with micro organism quality granules. Suprem Planto make the easily available macro nutrients form absorbable form soil and help sustaining the soil ecology& improv soil structure.

Suprem Planto is a unique highly enriched essential soil conditioner with contains seaweed , humic, fulvic , & digestive enzymes, with micro organism quality granules. Suprem Planto make the easily available macro nutrients form absorbable form soil and help sustaining the soil ecology& improve soil structure.

Suprem Planto makes the soil soft and fertile & provides immunity to the plant for resistance against diseases and pest attacks.

  • Packing : 25 kg bag

  • Doses : 50kg to 75kg per acre (according to crop)