Super Potassium Humate Flake


Increase water holding capacity and soil work ability.

Increase aeration and makes soil more friable or crumb.

Chelats nutrients for uptakes by plants and Increases percentage of total nitrogen in soil.

Accelerates plants cell division & promotes growth.

Increases root respiration and formation.

Stimulates growth and proliferation of soil Micro Organism.


Applications Instructions:

  • For Drip irrigation: 250-500g/acre.

  • In flood irrigation: 500-1000g/acre.

  • For blending: 1.0 to 2.0 kg/100 kg fertilizer.


Parameter: Guaranteed Value:
Humic Acid (Dry Base),min. 70%
Fulvic Acid (Dry Base),min. 15%
Pattacium Content (as K2O),min. 10%
Specific fillers material,mix. 05%
PH Normal
  • Shyamved Super Potassium Humic Acid: is complex organic molecules that are formed by the breakdown of organic matter.

  • Shyamved Super Potassium Humic Acid: influences soil fertility through its effect on the water holding capacity of the soil.

  • Shyamved Super Potassium Humic Acid: makes important contribution to soil stability and soil fertility leading to exceptional plant growth and micro nutrient uptake.